Sunday, 13 March 2011


So being a complete addict to twitter; i thought since Japan's current natural disaster is the latest trend, there is something to say about it --->

I come from a 3rd world country; our natural disasters mainly consist of famine and drought, which although does not appear newsworthy, is something people die from every day. I see a crazy amount of people praying for Japan, mostly from SOUTHERN AFRICA and i am shocked at how ready to help and so well informed they are about these disasters. When it comes to OUR disasters, we seem to turn a blind-eye. Whatever happened to the old saying 'Charity begins at home' (now used literally)??

Don't get me wrong, Japan needs all the prayers and all the AID it can get. With an 8.8 Earthquake, i can only imagine what other natural disasters this is likely to trigger, how many more people will die, the displacement and at a more personal level, the pain of starting over without loved ones.
On a more hopeful note - God keep Japan ----> and Africa :)

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